1 Sept 2010

Hi to everybody who`s read my posts, I`ve been traveling a lot in the couple of months, hence the reason I haven`t been able to post any blogs.
I`m sorry for this but not to worry because IM BACK! and i`ve got quite a lot of usefull information to share with you all.


SEPTEMBER 2010- Part 1.

There are 3 premises on which the technical approach is based.

1. Market actions discount everything.

2. Prices move in trends.

3. History repeats itself.

As a rule, chartists to not concern themselves with the reasons why prices rise or fall.
Very often, in the early stages of a price trend, or at critical turning points, no one seems to know why a market is acting in a particular way. While the thechnical support may sometimes seem over simplistic, in its claims, the logic behind this first premise-that markets
discount everything-becomes more compelling the more market experience one gains.
It follows then that if everything that effects the market price is ultimately reflectes in market price, then the study of that market price is all that is necessary. By studying price charts and
a host of supporting technical indicators, the chartist in effect lets the market tell him or her which it is most likely to go.
The chartist does not necessarily try to outsmart or outguess the market. All of the thechnical
tools discussed in some later sections are simply techniquesused to aid the chartist during the process of studying market action. The chartist knows there are plenty of reasons why markets go UP or DOWN. He or she just doesn`t beleive that knowing what thjose reasons are is necessary in the forecasting process.

13 Mar 2010


Your power of choice, your ultimate freedom must be your greatest power. You have the power to think whatever you choose to allow into your head. The freedom of choice is your brightest; your circumstances have nothing to do with your destiny, they are merely the result of past choices or non-choice.

Your thoughts are your own, uniquely yours to keep, change, share or contemplate. No one else can get inside your head and experience your own thoughts. You do, indeed, control your thoughts, and your brain is your own to use as you wish. You cannot have a feeling or emotion without first having experienced a thought. Take away your brain and your ability to `feel` has gone as a feeling is a physical reaction to a thought.

If you can control your thoughts you can determine your feelings and you can choose how you respond or act in a particular situation. This means that you can no longer blame circumstances for any situation you find yourself in. If we can begin to examine our lives in the light of choices we have made or, more significantly, failed to make then we can start to see that we are the person responsible for how we feel.

So! Accept that you are the sum total of your choices made to date and, therefore, with new choices you can decide to be, have or do anything you want for the future.

Controlling your thoughts means you are the decider of your fate, in other words you choose what your world will be like.

People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can`t find them, they make them!